
None of us is as smart as all of us.


With BeloofdisBeloofd (dutch for promises-promises) we created a collective conscience. Every visitor can tell what he or she thinks of a promise made by a politician. With this site we anticipated on the coming national elections on the 22th of November 2007 in the Netherlands. Everybody can post a promise to remind a ‘promisor’ (which can also be a CEO, sportsman, coach, friend, family member or even yourself).


An email monitor for all regional call centres (seventeen) of a large government agency. The application has server side filtering and report generation to make central marketing research possible.


Internet application for “mobile casting on demand” through a sms-gateway.


The project named Scottie researches the possibilities of using information and communication technology to create virtual immediacy between long-stay absentees and their primary social contact group. Agile Dovadi build the communication software, a Ruby based daemon for Arduino micro-controller board and a restfull web application for data acquisition.

iDEAL payment gateway

The Dutch iDEAL payment gateway which is open sourced.

Hyves integration

A Hyves integration for for creating gadgets using the OAuth protocol.


Agile Dovadi is an active sponsor by delivering, hosting and maintaining several internet application (blogs, wiki and forum) for the Dutch Fablab community.


A social network for car owners sharing all their wonderfull pictures.

Planning and invoicing for child day care centers.