Some observations and reflections:
- No Dutch Ruby and Rails conference this year. Maybe we need something different like a RailsCamp.
- The last four projects I took on were all existing legacy Rails applications with big technical problems.
- A lot of innovation last year with Passenger and within Rails itself, but Git and Cucumber really increased ‘happiness’ in my work.
- Losing clients is hard, even if the main issue is ‘just’ money, but you have to draw a line at some point.
- Winning clients is not easy, some of the proposed contracts and NDA’s I’ve seen were plain silly, but again you have to draw a line ….
- I think I must be twice as old as the average age of Ruby On Rails developers.
- I’m considering using CouchDB for my last project.
- My work in the FabLab communtiy has been minimal last year, but that will change!